How many people play forge of empires
How many people play forge of empires

how many people play forge of empires how many people play forge of empires

There’s no single answer as to why you should join a guild, but it all really comes back to teamwork. Now, you might be thinking: I’m totally antisocial and don’t care about that aspect, why should I join a guild? Well, there are many reasons actually! So first lets review why you should be part of a guild, and then we’ll review how a guild functions (which will also contain in-depth reasons to join a guild and a little insight on finding the right one). Guilds are the social backbone of FoE, giving you a place to really get to know a group of players, and they add an element of teamwork to this otherwise single-player game. Whether these things are troops, goods, supplies, coins, FPs, or something else it all serves the purpose of your own advancement.Ī game like this though would be very boring, old, and just another SimCity in essence if it weren’t for one vital thing: Guilds. You need to have enough population to run things in your city, enough happiness to make them work hard, and then harvest what they make to serve your advancement. At its heart Forge of Empires truly is a resource management and worker placement style game.

How many people play forge of empires