Download 10 mile training plan
Download 10 mile training plan

download 10 mile training plan download 10 mile training plan

Concentrate on your least flexible muscles. Stretching: Spend 5 to 10 minutes after your cooldown doing static stretches.Cooldown: Spend at least 5 minutes after your running session jogging slowly, then walking.Spend at least 5 minutes before each run doing these. Dynamic warmup: activities like skipping, lateral shuffles, high knee exercises and butt kicks can all be effective at warming up muscles through a range of movement.See the related article list at the bottom of this page for specific exercise suggestions and details about how those exercises should be done. Regardless of the calendar you choose, your weeks should start easy, gradually become harder and then become easier the week prior to your event.Įach type of run (except easy runs), along with hill work, should be bookended by the following routines. You can also use our training calendar as a starting point, then modify it based on your experience and needs.

Download 10 mile training plan